Thursday, December 26, 2013

Neo4J user service plugin for secure social (play framework/scala)


Neo4J user service plugin for secure social (play framework/scala)

Project on GitHub: SecureSocial-Neo4JUserService


Building reactive web applications with play framework and scala often starts with a social login system. One great way to get started here is to use Secure Social. They provide a simple way to get up and running with a large number of providers. Once you are running you will need to store your account information and more the likely the relationships between your social users "friends". This is where Neo4J really shines.



Once you have secure social up and running all you need to do is add this scala file to your play project. I created a app/servicies directory to place the file. Next you simply need to add a line to your play.plugins



Neo4J Structure

Users will now be added to your neo4J with the following structure


You can also use the utility methods outlined below to make users friends


Helper methods

Here are number of usefull methods for helping you to work with secure social and Neo4J

object  Neo4JUserService{
  def socialUserFromMap( umap: Map[String, String]): Identity = {

  def makeUsersFriends( uuid1: String, uuid2: String ) = future{

  def socialUserFromToken(provider: String, token: String) = future{

  def uuidFromProviderInfo( provider: String, id: String, name: String = "" ) = future {

  private def createUserAndProvider(name: String, id: String, fullname: String) = {

Things to consider.

You will still need a way for users to "link" multiple providers on your back-end. Currently if a user signs in using another provider, they will get another user and provider record in Neo4J. You could try to combat this at the login level by looking for emails that are same as other providers (you would want to verify the email before linking for security reasons)

Another way would be a settings section on your site when a user is loged in, that would allow them to "link" their other accounts. In this manor you would want to create to continue to build a structure like the following


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Base3d a simple c++ library

Base3d lib C++



This is a small and simple base 3d library written in C++. You would be crazy to write your own 3d library in todays world… However there are still a number of applications for using a compact 3d library to learn from or implement application specific problems.

This code was written a while back but used in a number of 3d applications during my time in University. I have decided to share it in the hopes that someone could find it as useful as I once did.

Example projects

Collision Detection Project

This project I designed a large "ball" course that I let serve as a demonstration of the physics I wrote. This was a super fun project and ended up working very well.

demo 1

Water Simulation

This was a really fun project to work on. The main idea for the movement of the water came from one of my favorite sites on the net: The good-looking textured light-sourced bouncy fun smart and stretchy page

demo 1


Dividing each face of our scene into light-map texel regions, we are going to perform a gathering type of radiosity solution. First by using GL to render the scene from the perspective of a texel into a hemi-cubed texture map, we solve the visibility problem. More info here

demo 1

Monday, December 9, 2013

FLV Socket Writer Direct Show Filter

flv socket filter

Project on GitHub:

Windows Direct Show filter. Stream FLV and header information to any connecting application. Takes care of late joiners by resending h264/aac headers.


FLV files consist of a single header, and metadata, chunk followed by N interleaved audio and video chunks.
Most streaming filter implement RTMP and provide a single client with the ability to connect and start injesting a stream.
This filter provides a much more flexible and free form way of Interprocess Communication with you data.

  • Supports M number of simultaneous connection steams to FLV
  • Supports "late joiners" headers(Meta,Head) + AAC/H264 packets are retransmitted to new connections
  • Actionscript ByteStream clients will receive data on chunk boundaries for easy parsing.
  • Simple to right stream out to file on disk at the same time as other operations.


The only requirement are the direct show base classes. Sockets are winsock implementation.


Currently the filter has the listening port hardcoded. You could add this as an option to the filter option page if you so desire. Once this filter is up and running you can connect to it via the port number and start to injesting your FLV.


Here is an example client written in C# that will connect and write the FLV to disk.

This example uses the FlvStream2FileWriter that is also an open source project I have on GIT here: ([]

This takes care of inseting the new timing information into the FLV so that your file on disk will allow seek operations.

internal void SaveStreamToFile(string path)
            const int count = 4096;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[count];

            // Declare the callback.  Need to do that so that
            // the closure captures it.

            AsyncCallback callback = null;

            FlvStream2FileWriter stream2File = new FlvStream2FileWriter(path);

            // Assign the callback.
            callback = ar =>
                    // Call EndRead.
                    int bytesRead = _clientStream.GetStream().EndRead(ar);

                    // Process the bytes here.
                    if (bytesRead != buffer.Length)

                    // Determine if you want to read again.  If not, return.                
                    // Read again.  This callback will be called again.
                    if (!_clientStream.Connected)
                        throw new Exception("Just catch and exec finallize");
                    _clientStream.GetStream().BeginRead(buffer, 0, count, callback, null);
                {   // most likly discontinuity ...just fall through                   
            _clientStream = new TcpClient("", 22822);  // (CA) TODO: make port configurable on the filter and here
            // Trigger the initial read.
            _clientStream.GetStream().BeginRead(buffer, 0, count, callback, null);

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blue Tooth Low Energy Scanner for Android written in scala


Blue Tooth Low Energy Scanner for Android written in scala


This project serves to wrap up some common functionality regarding scanning for a BLE sensor device.
Right now the code is simple and to the point. Install a filter (device name, mac address) and then start scanning for devices.


I will try to keep adding to this list as I go. For now here is a short list of features:

  • Scan for a BLE sensor devices
    • Filter device list
  • Callback function to report device and signal strength

Example Usage

class MainActivity extends Activity with BleDeviceScanner{
  // Notice the "with BleDeviceScenner"
  // ...

    protected override def onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) = {
      // ... normal android init

      val bscan = findViewById( ).asInstanceOf[Button]
        bscan.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener {
          override def onClick(v: View) = {         
             val filter = {
                d: BluetoothDevice =>
                    d.getName() != null     // You could filter by device name or address here..                                    
                di: BleDeviceInfo =>  // This ia a callback with the located device 
                  Log.d(TAG,"Found device[%s] with signal stregth: %s".format(di.getBluetoothDevice.getAddress, di.getRssi) )



Example Projects

Was used in a hackathon to try to do accurate indoor positioning. We ended up having to make a ton of modifications since the TI Sensor Tag can not be used to accuratly interpolate position.

Here is a screen shot TODO://

Monday, December 2, 2013

Create better native UI with Awesomium


Source on Github

Create amazing UI the way it should be done... with awesomium.ui.
This is a starter kit for the Awesomium browser based UI and WInform.




Creating Web UI is easy and fun. With the enormous amount of power built into a modern HTML5 browser, creating fluid rich UI is a breeze.

This is not true when creating Native Application UI. The process is plagued with subtleties that slowly crush developers spirits and ultimately produce projects that take more time and do far less.

Fortunately for us there are ways to bridge the gap between web and native. One of those project is Awesomium gives you C# wrappers to an underlying Chromium based browser. What does these mean for developers….

All the great features like:

  • CSS3
  • Canvas
  • SVG
  • WebGL
  • WebRTC
  • WebSockets
  • And much more …

You can even run web plugins… think Flash or Unity. Side Note: Awesomium has a Unity3d plugin for Mac/Windows game builds.. also very cool.


Game companies have been doing this for years. Both “Stream” and “Origin” are native browser based UI. The goal with my project is to provide some simple extensions to the Awesomium based libraries that get you up and running fast. Also to provide a good looking UI example … Similar to “Steam” and “Origin”

UI 1


I have provided a demo project that you can refrence to get you up and running. The basic idea is this:

  • Create a Native Winform project for you solution.
  • Reference

    • Awesomium.Core.dll
    • Awesomium.Windows.Forms.dll
    • awesomium.ui
  • Create a Winform. In my example project I used the default “Forms1.cs”

  • Open the Form1.cs and replace the inherited base class from “Form” to my base class “awesomium.ui.FromBase”
  • Now create a directory in your project called “.appui”

  • Create an html page inside “.appui” directory that has the same name as your Winform. Inside my demo this file was “Form1.html” Make sure to change the “Build Action” for all your html/css/img content to “Content” and “Copy if newer”. This will move the html to your output folder when you build your project.

  • Compile and run the project and you will now have amazing looking UI that has limitless possibilities.


Communicating with your UI layer is a breeze. This is all done through javascript and json. There are 2 directions for your communication

HTML UI to Native C-Sharp

Inside you javascript create a call like so'JSMyMethod', 'arg1','arg2');

The first argument is the name of the method in your C# to call. All additional argument are arguments to that function.

On your C# side you would define a method like so:

public void JSMyMethod(string a, string b){
    // do stuff..

C# to HTML javascript

simply use the interface

base.Webbrowser.ExecuteJavascript( "javascript to execute in here" );

Demo Project

UI 2

Sunday, December 1, 2013

DirectShow AudioLoopbackFilter

Source code on Github


Directshow Audio Loopback Capture Filter


Microsoft SDK (Direct Show base classes)


This project provides an efficient working audio capture source filter. A “what you hear is what you get”. The code is based on Microsofts IAudioCaptureClient running in “loopback” mode. A feature that has been added since Windows Vista.

Past Work

This code is based on the initial work done by “Maurits” at Microsoft. His work and all the comments containing some of the issues with the code are located here.

Additionally “Roger Pack” wrote the original directshow filter wrapper for Maurits code. Roger’s work can be found here: I found that in Windows 8 the filter no longer worked on this project. I also submit a patch that fixed the audio in windows 8.. but the filter graph would pause if there was silence (no audio).

The main issue with these works, is the inability to generate “silence”. This problem is magnified in directshow by not allowing your filter graph to process any video unless there is valid audio (ie silence will pause your graph).

My Solution

I based my filter off the Synth Audio Source, from the directshow example projects. I have removed most of the source that was not needed for my filter to make it easier to understand.

There are a few major differences in my filter from the one I was using before.

  • I generate silence values into the buffer when there is “No” data available from the AudioCaptureClient. This will allow the filter graph to continue to process video frames/mux even if there is no audio.

  • I sync the Reference clock to use the clock time specified by the AudioCaptureClient. This eliminates the usage of the extra threading and BAD sleep statements in the code. The result is a significantly lighter CPU footprint.


My solution has only undergone a very small amount of testing. Which did include both a Windows 7 and Windows 8 machine. However, if you have any trouble with the filter please contact me and I will be glad to help. Thanks.